A header auction process lasts longer than RTB auctions, which typically last 100ms. However, many publishers use multiple exchange partners in a waterfall setup, so there is always a delay. Header bidding often requires multiple demand streams, so a large number of RTB auctions run concurrently. So, as a publisher, you need to Latest Mailing Database manage timeouts so that no one slows down title auctions and jeopardizes page load times.
Wrapping paper The Header Bid Wrapper is similar to the Tag Management System, except that the Header Bid Wrapper is dedicated to the Head
er Bid Partner. They allow publishers to add or remove them as needed, making it easier to manage their demand partners. They convert each partner's unique parameters into generic values that can be passed to the ad server. Also, they make sure that title auctions are in order, so they don't interfere with page loading.
Like desktop, the mobile web requires a container (a pre-container, pubfood, or "proprietary" wrapper) that a team of developers can use. You should also add bidder adapters from demand sources with mobile traffic.
If in demand, reach out to some of the highest paying mobile ad networks and check with their header bid adapters to make sure they fit your chosen container/wrapper.
The overall benefits of implementing header bidding are as follows:
More competition : Advertisers/demand partners can bid on every impression on the site while having access to premium inventory. This also leads to higher bids, and as a result, publishers earn higher yields.
More demand partners : Publishers can access advertisers from multiple demand sources.
Greater transparency : With header bidding, you can better optimize your ad stack than with header settings. You sell inventory based on impressions and see its value.
More inventory access : Header bidding gives buyers access to publishers' inventory. This means there is more data available to DSPs that can then be used to optimize campaigns.
wrap up Most importantly, your website must not only be mobile-friendly, but you should also know how to generate sustainable revenue through your website along with well-placed ads and an optimized user experience. If you want to have a successful mobile web monetization strategy, you need to address each of the above. As long as everything mentioned above is in place, you are well prepared to earn a decent amount of money from mobile traffic!