Phrases that match the given taxonomy and are frequently searched by users. To select these words you need to use special tools such as or. Where do we start looking for stores The store configuration includes the locations on which site navigation is based. Start by verifying the performance of your site not only in terms of loading speed but also in terms of content display subpage structure or metadata. Optimized positioning makes the site easier for users and compatible with the indexing of Google bots so that the search engine algorithm puts the online store at the top of the search engines. The Advanced Store Redirects website version of the store can initially be found at the address with the prefix. If you decide to remove this element e.g. For user convenience remember to properly redirect the page version from this address to another one it doesnt understand. The same process should apply after using a certificate that changes the domain address. You can do this in a file or use a module dedicated to simple storage requirements.
Be a simple user and use search engines avoid using special characters including letters and numbers. Change underscores to pauses. Well-formed addresses support targeting because they allow the algorithm to better whatsapp mobile number list the specific content of a particular subpage. Need helpleave a contact and order a free consultation with our consultants. Phone Number Email I accept the Privacy Policy and agree to the processing of personal data to provide offers. The metadata location of a published home page is influenced by the metadata title and description assigned to each page. On the home page it is appropriate to populate these attributes with the most common phrases that denote site activity. Editing the title and description requires installing the appropriate modules such as editors. Another but more complicated solution is to edit the website code yourself. Meta descriptions should not exceed approx. The maximum height of the friendly header is approx. Having a fully defined home page is good for web positioning because indexing robots take the content of these properties into account when determining your sites position on the web.
Home Page Metadata The meta description and title of your store home page should usually include the name of your store and often also reference suggested taxonomies. A good example is the word clothing store. Its also worth adding the brand name and. Read more Meta Description How to Write Effective Meta Description Metadata for Category and Product Pages When Standing on Facebook You should have proper metadata for every item not just on the homepage. Pay special attention to categories and products in online deals. Include keyword phrases in titles and descriptions that relate to specific subpages so that those words can build visibility in search engines. Its easy to connect and connect to the store. In the admin panel go to the "System" tab then to the "Settings" tab. At the bottom is the field where you should paste your tracking code. It is worth monitoring the status of the site. To connect this tool to your website you need to add a special file or tag to your website which you can do for free.