Among Spanish-speaking immigrant groups, the rate of learning English is lower, but this depends on whether a bilingual second-generation immigrant marries another person who is also proficient in English and Spanish (this is "endogamy" [endogamy, or intra-ethnic marriage], meaning intermarriage with people from the same social group), and whether they live in a community that generally speaks only Spanish.
Endogamy is not enough to guarantee that the third generation will speak Spanish, but it can improve the third generation's ability to speak at least a little Spanish when built within a Spanish-speaking community. Although bilingualism (the ability to speak two languages) or multilingualism (the ability to speak two or more languages) is fairly common, it is difficult to whatsapp list estimate exactly how many people in the world can speak more than two languages because, out of Surprisingly, estimating just how many languages there are is not easy. Furthermore, what exactly counts as a language is a difficult question, for the following reasons. First, the number of languages spoken in the world is always changing, because many languages are dying (see Chapter 12). Second, it is estimated that a quarter of the world's languages are spoken by less than a thousand people, and finding these speakers and studying them is not easy (Lewis, MP 2006).
Third, globalization has led to a large increase in the number of immigrants, and the development of communication technology has also promoted the cross-border flow of ideas, languages, and asymmetric structures, which have created a "hybrid, language-integrated multilingual ableism style" (creolized , mixed idioms of polyglottism), meaning: complex, creative mixing of languages (Jacquemet 2005: 263). The last reason is that there is currently no universal, widely accepted standard for distinguishing between "language" and "dialect." The differences between the ways of speaking, called "languages" and those called "dialects," ultimately boil down to political, cultural, and historical factors (Lippi-Green 1997).